Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I know this picture doesn't have to do with school work, but I took it last night at 10PM! SO I thought everyone would enjoy seeing it :o) It's crazy how long it is light now. I think the sun rises at about 4:30 or so, and it isn't fully dark until around 10:30! Slightly different from when I first arrived!

Proof :o)

This is just a little proof that while it might appear as if I never study...I do! :o) Today I had to give a 10 minute presentation on a Swedish Children's book that I read...all in Swedish! I was the first to go, so I am happy to get it out of the way, but I was a little nervous. I think it went well though! The name of the book is "Egon and the Baby Fox", and is about the friendship of a little old fellow who lives in the woods and a baby fox he meets one day. It is actually quite cute. I enjoyed reading it!

Here is a little sample of what I said:

"Jag läste "Egon och Rävungen" för min svensk barn bok. Boken är av en liten gubbe och en rävunge. Gubben, heter Egon, bor ensam i sin stuga i skogen. En morgon, såg Egon en lite rävunge. Han tittade rävungen och gick hem. Men rävungen foljde efter. Så, Egon foderade rävungen mjolk, och rävungen drank alle. Sedan, rävungen var mycket trött. Egon lyfte upp rävungen och låg honom i en låda. Egon heter rävungen Kalle. Så, efter det kväll, Egon och Kalle var bäste Vänner......"

Just a little sample to show I am learning! I'll be testing everyone on the story when I return! haha.

Well, now I that you've seen a little of my school work, I can tell you more about my travels!
Here we go!

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